Darcy late 2010

Darcy late 2010
Lovely slimline figure pre-pregnancy

Monday, 28 March 2011

Close ups

 It is very hard to get close ups of them because as soon as you pick them up they start wriggling around, so you have to wait for them to fall asleep in a convenient position.
Hence the close ups will come day by day as I manage to get them.
This is Ziggy asleep under her mummy's chin.
This is Elsa - funnily she has 3 good close ups already as she always falls asleep in a photogenic pose ! A model in the making ?
They are getting black spots appearing on their noses today, which is the beginning of them starting to go completely black.
Darcy is doing really well - she has put on a kilo since Thurs and seems to be in no pain. In fact she started digging a hole under a tree this morning - which was a little annoyong as it required a lot of feet washing before she could go back in with her babies.

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