Darcy late 2010

Darcy late 2010
Lovely slimline figure pre-pregnancy

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Puppy pictures

Darcy has been checked by the vet and is doing really well. She adores the puppies now and is feeding them herself, although we are continuing with supplementary feeds every 2 1/2 hrs until we can be sure she is producing enough milk for such a large and greedy litter.
Here's the litter - very hard to photograph them as they keep wriggling around (note - any pink noses will turn black over next few weeks):

 We have given them all puppy names for identification purposes - to be changed when they acquire owners. Many of them are named after our past boxers or friend's boxers.
Gretel - 17oz, 480g, Female

Elsa - 17.7oz, 500g, Female

Ruby, 17oz, 480g, Female

Bear (because she looks like a little teddy bear)- 17.7oz, 500g, Female

Ziggy - 20oz !!!! 580g, Female

Bella - 17oz, 480g, Female

Storm - He is such a wriggler I took 7 attempts to get this one blurred picture ! Here is our only boy - 400g, 14.1oz.


  1. puppies are gorgeous - looks like you have your hands full!
